33 Day Personal Consecration to Jesus Through Mary
Diocese of Manchester

April 10-May 13, 2025
Each evening at 7:00 p.m. Bishop Libasci will lead the days’ prayers and readings livestreamed from the Cathedral in the Diocese of Manchester. All are most welcome to join him. On evenings when the bishop is unable to join due to meetings, a priest of the diocese will lead the evening.


We will be using the book Child Consecration: To Jesus through Mary—Following in the Spirit of St. Thérèse, the Little Flower to make our Consecration journey. This book can be used by adults and young people, which allows priests, adults, and families to make the journey as well as the children in our schools. Books can be purchased online at any time HERE. Those making the Consecration journey through the diocese of Manchester, will have the opportunity to pre-order books at a discounted rate of $2.00 per book. If you would like copies of the book, please email Sr. Mary Rose Reddy at smrreddy@rcbm.org. She will let you know when and where they can be picked up.
Online resources
David Thibault (Superintendent of Schools):
As Superintendent of Catholic Schools in the Diocese of Manchester, New Hampshire, I have advocated that whenever possible our Catholic School students have the opportunity to participate in daily Mass, pray the daily or weekly Rosary together, and experience weekly Eucharistic Adoration. Although some have questioned the apparent loss of academic time that these initiatives entail, objective evidence indicates that their implementation improves academic scores and more importantly lessens negative student interactions and behaviors. They promote a joyful and united school atmosphere. For these reasons I heartily welcome the Children’s Consecration to Jesus through Mary and the Children’s Rosary into our Catholic Schools.
Sr. Mary Rose Reddy (Director of Catholic Identity and Missions for the Catholic Schools in the Diocese of Manchester):
I am a Daughter of Mary, Mother of Healing Love and have been a religious Sister for 44 years. Now as the Catholic Schools Office Director of Catholic Identity and Mission, I am thrilled to advocate for the Children’s Consecration to Jesus through Mary and the Children’s Rosary. Our Blessed Mother Mary has more than 2,000 titles, yet appearing at Fatima, Portugal to Lucia (age 10), Francisco (age 9), and Jacinta (age 7) during the stupendous October 13, 1917th Miracle of the Sun (witnessed by 70,000 people) she identified herself as “The Lady of the Rosary.” She requested that the children and all of us pray the Rosary and be consecrated to her Immaculate Heart. Now in 2025, when each of us, and especially our children, are facing so many anxieties, we have this beautiful opportunity to be consecrated to Jesus through Mary and to inaugurate the Children’s Rosary in all our Catholic schools and parishes. Although these initiatives are geared to children, people of all ages are welcome to join the consecration journey and the Children’s Rosary. Our Blessed Mother Mary desires to bring the peace of Jesus Christ her Son into all our hearts through her inestimable power of intercession with Him.
Karen Hettrick(Director of Parish Faith Formation for the Diocese of Manchester):
Jesus, however, called the children to himself and said,
“Let the children come to me and do not prevent them; for the kingdom of God belongs
to such as these.” Luke 18:16Jesus called the children to himself. Often today we witness children leading their parents, family, and friends to a deeper relationship with the Lord and His Blessed Mother. Children’s profound simplicity, trust and faith opens doors to the hearts of their elders and peers. Drawing children to deeper prayer is changing families, schools, parishes, and diocese in over forty countries throughout the world.
We invite you to join this beautiful prayer movement: Child Consecration to Jesus through Mary; and Children’s Rosary. What a simple but profound opportunity in this Jubilee Year 2025 to grow in prayer and to be strengthened and transformed as a pilgrim people.