School Information
One of the time honored traditions of the Church is Consecration to Jesus through Mary. St. John Paul II was among those who advocated this method of deepening one’s faith. Many have availed themselves of this beautiful aid in reaching the great spiritual heights. This path is perfectly suited to children who are setting out on their journey. Schools have a wonderful opportunity to help children while they are still young to Consecrate themselves to Jesus through Mary. This is something that will help them for a lifetime.
Getting Started
We will be using the book:
Child Consecration: To Jesus through Mary—Following in the Spirit of St. Thérèse, the Little Flower. The book seeks to unpack the St. Louis de Montfort Consecration outlined in the classic text, True Devotion to Mary, in a way children can understand. This book has received Ecclesiastical approval. It has also received endorsements from many Church leaders.
“I commend this book to parents and teachers, who will find here a solid and ready means to develop the spiritual and devotional life of children, giving them a firm foundation from which to build their relationship with the Lord and his Church.”
Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments
“I highly recommend it to parents who wish to introduce
their children to Marian devotion and thus help them to give their hearts, one with the Immaculate Heart of Mary, completely to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.”
“Taking up Blythe Kaufman’s Child Consecration: To Jesus through Mary reminded me fondly of my own childhood consecration. . . . I encourage every parent, teacher and priest to read this book, quite unique in these times, that accompanies parents as they take up again the devotion of consecrating their children to Jesus through Mary. . . . this story represents a comprehensive Christian allegory that goes on to unfold, day by day through the consecration journey: the panorama of the Scriptures; the wisdom of the Church; its elementary catechesis; its treasury of Holy Mass and the Sacraments; its essential prayers and devotions; its training in virtue, and all in the service of forming characters and personalities in light of the Christian vision of the human person. The realism with which Original Sin and redeeming grace are taken into account has created a quite exceptional manual for leading today’s children safely to Jesus around the pitfalls and temptations that abound in our modern culture. . . . Were I a parent, this would be my number one Marian book for my family.”
—Most Rev. John Keenan, Bishop of Paisley Scotland


Format and Outline
The Consecration journey will consist of 33 consecutive days of readings and prayers followed on the 34th day with a Consecration to Jesus through Mary. Ideally the readings and prayers are said together each day at school. We do humbly ask that parents help their children to do the readings and prayers that fall on days children are not in school. This is an amazing journey for children which has wonderful benefits for a lifetime.
On the 34th day of the journey each child will read the Consecration prayer. It is an entrustment of oneself and all he or she has to Jesus Christ through the Immaculate Heart of Mary. It is a beautiful prayer and one that carries a great protection for our young children. Our Blessed Mother stands ready to help guide and protect our children both young and old to her Son Jesus, but she never forces her help on anyone. This Consecration is the request we make to Our Blessed Mother for such assistance.
The readings over the 33 days of preparation will help explain why a person would want to Consecrate themselves to Jesus through Mary.

To help students organize their Consecration journey you will love these stepping stones to Consecration. Each stone has the word we are focussing on in our day’s gardening to keep one’s thoughts centered. As one completes a day they check the box. We have two versions of this Consecration Checklist one for “students only” and one that invites “parents as well as students” to mark the days when they participate from home.
We have provided a sample letter which can be sent home to parents to explain the Consecration. Please feel free to customize it for the families of your school. The link to download is below.
Frequently Asked Questions
What age range is ideal for this Consecration?
The book is appropriate for adults and children as young as 4 or 5 years old.
What if the children in my school are remote learning?
The Consecration Checklist 2 that includes both students and parents is ideal for remote learners. In this way it helps students document they have completed each day and provides a reminder of the “spiritual gardening” they have completed. Parents can help by participating in the Consecration and marking with an X on the Checklist that they too participated.
What if students have a combination of remote and in class learning?
Ideally during the days when students are in school, the Consecration is done together in the classroom. Parents are encouraged to help students complete the Consecration on the days when the students are not in school.
What if I would like to have the students complete the Consecration only on the days when they are in school?
Yes, this is a feasible option. The Consecration could be done for 33 Consecutive School Days. Simply have the children check the box of the Consecration Checklist as they complete the day and hold their Consecration on the 34th school day.
What if a child misses a day?
Simply have them make up the day and continue with the class. Please reassure the child that they are still making a meaningful Consecration.
Who should have a copy of the book?
Ideally teachers would each have a book from which they can read aloud. It would be wonderful each student could have a copy of the book. If this is not possible students can use the online Consecration materials when during the weekends with their families. Click HERE to view the Online Consecration.